Saturday, November 3, 2007

OS X Twitter Clients

I started surveying OS X twitter clients, and found the following. At first glance there's a lot of choices, but most of them look pretty crappy. It actually becomes a pretty simple choice, because there is no real choice.

The best Twitter client on Mac OS X is Twitterrific. It's the only client worth using, really.

Twitterific is free, although the developers would like some $, and jam an ad into your stream once an hour if you choose not to pay (use Little Snitch to block the ad graphics, etc). Works on 10.5. It's not perfect, but its tolerable. I haven't dived in deep yet, but to be honest Twitterrific looks like the ONLY non-vomit-inducing client around. It even has Growl support. Sexytime!

Use Twitteriffic unless you prefer a dashboard client. Although they sadly lack any notification options, which makes them less usefull.

Other desktop clients:
  • Celly some kinda tomagotchi thing. Novelty more than client. Works on 10.5. Blech.
  • TwitterPod feature-rich, but insane. Non-standard UI. Controls and text are small, which is nice on a MacBook. Works on 10.5. Has growl support. Doesn't have the polish of Twitteriffic. Some UI elements are clearly experimental (the weird screensavery mode, the drawer, etc). Almost cool.
  • TwitterPost really stupid ui. Too bad, looks like a lot of work went into it. Growl support, etc.
  • Tweetr requires Adobe AIR, blech. Having used a lot of adobe stuff, including server-side products, I want nothing to do with this just yet. Haven't tried it.
  • Spaz another Adobe Air client. Gah.
  • TinyTwitter java client. Code footprint looks tiny, but I couldn't instantly get it to work, so I gave up. Probably worth looking at if you have a java'd phone.

Dashboard clients
  • Twitgit tolerable. Works on 10.5. Has a big fat "undefined" at the top of the window though. Also, wastes some UI room. Could be great if cleaned up.
  • Twitterlex nice compact UI... I think. Doesn't work under 10.5. Too bad.
  • Twidget posts, but doesn't display tweets. Pointless in this day and age.

Quasi-clients that shoot crap like your current itunes track to twitter (blech):
This probably isn't an exhaustive list, but it's all I could tolerate.


Unknown said...

I'll have to add "induces vomiting" to the list of Spaz features.

J T said...

funkatron, It's not spaz itself that I object to, it's Adobe Air. I apologize if I offended you.